Why Combined Heat and Power?

Lower Energy Costs

Traditional utility escalators are as high as 3% annually.
Lightfoot Energy Solutions CHP systems provide the opportunity to save 20%-40% by lowering and fix-rating your energy costs.

Lower Emissions

Be part of the global movement for cleaner, more efficient energy sources. Power, heat and cooling from Lightfoot Energy Solutions CHP systems are up to 89% efficient compared with a typical electric power plant at 26% efficiency. That means a smaller carbon footprint for the same amount of power, heat & cooling.

Grid Independence

On-site distributed generation allows you to be less dependent on the utility company and helps control long term energy cost. It's also more resilient to extreme weather than the electrical grid.

Government Incentives

Many CHP projects will be eligible for state/federal incentive programs and/or tax benefits. We can help you determine your eligibility.

Contact Lightfoot Energy to learn more

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